Will Routley
“"I know I can accomplish any challenge, this is the hardest thing in the world, and incredibly rewarding."”
What inspired you to ride?
Moving to Whistler. The amount of people there who ride is incredible for a small town.
Racing obstacle you overcame?
The biggest challenge is oneself. An endurance sport like cycling is the hardest activity I've ever tried. There will always be supporters, as well as naysayers, there will be days where you are motivated and days where you are broke and it's cold and you miss your family.
Favorite cheat meal?
Chocolate is probably my only addiction in life. I eat a lot of it - but I don't consider it cheating,
Favorite healthy meal or snack?
My wife and I both cook, and both like to eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies from our own backyard. We have a massive punch bowl of salad nearly every day when I am home, but don't use recipes very often.
Tip for staying healthy?
Sleep! Sleep is the most important thing going when it comes to recovery and health. I also use garlic a lot as a food and a medicine.